A safe haven
The sea gives. The sea takes. An evident truth for those who live on an island or near a coast. Perhaps it is also the very reason for our perpetual struggle to conquer what little we can of the wind and the waves. The anchor and the knot tie us to a place, keep us at the dock.
In the harbour, there is safety, protection, and community. With sails and rudders, we transform nature's forces into a path away or a path home. The sea has shaped many pieces of jewellery for us at Guldviva. Here, we have gathered them all.
36 products
SEGELBÅT (Sailboat) 18K Necklace
Normal price
€740,00 EUR
Normal price
Reap price
€740,00 EUR

NÄTSTICKA (Netting needle) Tie clip
Normal price
€165,00 EUR
Normal price
Reap price
€165,00 EUR

RÅBANDSKNOP (Reef Knot) necklace
Normal price
€347,00 EUR
Normal price
€347,00 EUR

RÅBANDSKNOP (Reef Knot) ROBUST 18K necklace
Normal price
€1,670.00 EUR
Normal price
Reap price
€1.670,00 EUR